Pitanja sa tehničkog intervjua za poziciju praksa JAVASCRIPT programer
17.01.2022 | VESTI
Pitanja sa tehničkog intervjua za poziciju JAVASCRIPT programer (PRAKSA).
(kandidat koji nam je poslao nije prošao testiranje, radi se 60 min ONLINE test, naveo je da je ovo prvi krug, i ima još jedan krug posle)
- What would be the difference between == and ===? Tell as about as much examples as you can remember.
- What exactly does happen if you compare any combination of the following values: 0, "0", NULL, false. For example: if ( "0" == "true" )
- Difference between post form submit i ajax?
- Explain the term hoisting, with some examples.
- What does incrementation mean? How do we do it? Explain two ways.
- What does i--; mean?
- If JS compiler stumbles upon a syntax error, hot does it try to cope?
- What is Vanilla JS?
- What data type is null in js?
- 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 true or false?
- What part of the http request usually contains the API key?
- What part of http request should be used for sending sensitive information?
- Explain in words, the syntax of creating a JS object via constructor. How about in ES6?
- Have you ever used ES6 or Babel? Explain some of the mor useful changes?
- In what cases would we be allowed to invoke a function before declarating it?
- Is it mandatory to use the var keyword when declaring a variable?
- How do we declare a constant? Why would we do that?
- What is a scope?
- When we write jQuery selectors, what language's syntax are we borrowing?
- Does jQuery support advanced CSS selectors?